Mission Statement & Vision

Mission Statement

To provide professional, accessible, high quality, comprehensive healthcare services that inspires confidence in our patients and our community.

Our Vision

  • We aim to provide high quality primary care treatment for our Patient population to include consultations, examinations, and treatment of medical conditions.
  • To focus on prevention of disease and prioritise healthy living.
  • To understand and meet the needs of our patients, involve them in decision making about their treatment and encourage them to participate fully.
  • To involve other professionals in the care of our patients where it is in the patients best interest i.e. referring for specialised care and advice.
  • To ensure that all members of the team have the right skills and training to carry out their duties competently.
  • To create an educational environment where staff promote care learning amongst themselves, GP, ST3’s and medical students.
  • To review patient satisfaction surveys to review feedback from the patients who use our service and use the results to make changes when required.
  • We aim to improve our Dementia Care for our Patients and have a nominated nurse for this.
  • To take care of our staff, ensure we have a competent and motivated team with the right skills to do their job and protect them against abuse.
  • To act with integrity and confidentiality and ensure we have a robust information through the government system.
  • To treat our patients and staff with dignity, independence, respect and honesty in an environment which is accessible, safe and friendly.